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Case IH Gear box transmission Case Luxxum 120 ZF 2098460022 for wheel tractor

Case IH Gear box transmission Case Luxxum 120 ZF 2098460022 for wheel tractor
Case IH Gear box transmission Case Luxxum 120 ZF 2098460022 for wheel tractor
Case IH Gear box transmission Case Luxxum 120 ZF 2098460022 for wheel tractor image 2
Case IH Gear box transmission Case Luxxum 120 ZF 2098460022 for wheel tractor image 3
Case IH Gear box transmission Case Luxxum 120 ZF 2098460022 for wheel tractor image 4
Case IH Gear box transmission Case Luxxum 120 ZF 2098460022 for wheel tractor image 5
Interested in the ad?
PLN 19,500
≈ $4,924
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Type: spare parts
Part number: 2098460022
Year of manufacture: 2021
Location: Poland Byków8284 km from you
Placed on: more than 1 month
Agronetto ID: DA41202
Condition: used

More details — Case IH Gear box transmission Case Luxxum 120 ZF 2098460022 for wheel tractor

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OEM: 2098460022, 2098460035, 84406975, 135700220022, 87686186, 84402782,87724764, 47866188, 100272A1, 71448995, 190003930209, 133700220196, 48043163,155700220075, 135700220257, 1288220055, 84515981, 155700220047, 155700220034,155700220033, 84395999, 155700220142, 190003326333, 87686146, 47973012,47973012C, 47501842, 47501862, 47501848, 84406235, 47496605, 47496652,47501865, 47501872, 47973012, 47973012C, 47865623, 47829372, 47496626, 84200295, 72108462, 84200289, 84200302, 87723562, 47864097, 47496628, 47497576, 47496604, 47496683, 87685759, 47496751, 47496782, 11116234,47868696, 47745652, S300491, 47864101, 48065465, 84472774, 11115834, 47973012, 47973012C, 47973012R, 47973014, 87582611, 47983290, 47499941, 47499951, 47496095, 47496130, 47496081, 47866132, 47499954, 47499467, 47499928, 47496063, 47499423, 47496596, 47499960, 47499443, 47499425, 47499448, 47973012, 47973012C, 51698054, 47499954, 47499467, 47499928, 47866132, 47496130, 47496081, 47496095, 47499941, 47499960, 47496596, 47499443, 47499423, 47500178, 47500060, 48077692, 47497426, 47500096, 47500162, 51674597, 47973012, 91711852, 47499425, 48077692, 47496063,47497426, 51674596, 47500179, 48077315, 47866126, 47496832, 47499370,47499423, 47499443, 47496130, 47496596, 47499960, 47499954, 47499467,47499928, 47499941, 47496095, 47496081, 47866132, 47973012, 47973012C,91711852, 48077692, 47500188, 47496063, 47499423, 47499443, 47500184, 47496596, 47499960, 47499941, 47499951, 47499945, 47496095, 47866132, 47496130, 47496081, 47499954, 47499467, 47499928, 47973012, 47973014, 47502491, 155700240103, 87686793, 135700240010, 1288240046, 12700240064, 87687929, 87686828, 47867776, 84407938, 1206240018, 87686155, 87686157, 87686153, 934017R1, 87686160, 47497683, 47496631, 180402190108, 1188270053,133700270088, 135700270070, 1397220061, 47497697, 84407032, 47496730, 47499265, 47498427, 84472776, 47499268, 135700270014, 47499258, 47982182,47982184, 47869179, 87685930, 47416330, 47973012, 47973012R, 87687699,933946C1, 47498441, 87723796, 73143044, 155700220125, 84396348, 87687704,47498443, 47498444, 84406970, 47866093, 84395963, 1292220122, 155700220205,47498440, 155700220253, 47498433, 47498429, 155700220101, 84402773, 87687695,478664086, 84531528, 1397222082, 47973012, 47973014, 47866103, 47753492,47866112, 47866116, 47866114, 47866113, 47866110, 47866109, 47866108, 47753905,47866123, 47866118, 84395282, 84329402, 47745652, 8900134423, 47866145,47867772, 47866107, S300491, 48077692, 47496606, 47866758, 47497422, 47499400,47982192, 47500088, 47496063, 47496095, 47496081, 47496130, 47866132, 47499954,47499928, 47499423, 47496596, 47499960, 47499443, 47973012, 47973012C, 47499954, 47499467, 47496081, 47866132, 47496095, 47499941, 47499960, 47496596, 47500056, 47499443, 47499423, 47496063, 47866141, 47496832, 47866780, 48077315, 47866126, 47499297, 47500038, 47500178, 47499425, 47500051, 47500043, 84407452, 84395185, 47499966, 47499974, 47499994, 47973012, 47973014, 51698054, 91711886, 47496603, 47498420, 47866092, 155700220071, 155700220136, 155700220070, 87686184, 1292220122, 47498421, 155700220028, 155700220032, 87723800, 87723801, 87723798, 48065470, 47866093, 133100270113, 47498424, 84395992, 47498422, 155700220030, 47973012
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